Sunday, February 19, 2006

Valentines in Jesusland

I work in a conservative town. You can almost feel the ideological Red State/Blue State divide once you reach its edges. In the parking lot at the school where I teach, many cars sport bumper stickers with slogans like, "Legalize Babies" and "Marriage= 1 Man + 1 Woman."

There is, however, a liberal contingent at my school and, for Valentine's Day, they'd decided to sponsor a domestic violence awareness program which, in part, would feature portions of Eve Ensler's play "The Vagina Monologues." As soon as flyers advertising this program had been hung, conservative students responded with their own posters which protested: "Boycott the Vagina Monologues" or "'V' is for 'valentine.'" Both shibboleths were underscored by the very strange sub-slogan: "Because men aren't monsters and REAL WOMEN look UP." Up? This is mystifying. Looking up in confidence and optimism? Looking up in admiration of men? Or could this protest against the Vagina Monologues possibly mean that real women look up, i.e., instead of down at their vaginas?

About a week before Valentine's Day, all the posters disappeared; presumably, the event got canceled.


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