Sunday, February 19, 2006

Therapy is strange.

There is a concept in dance (not that I dance; I don't. In fact, even social dancing brings me feelings of profound humiliation) called "spotting" whereby you find a fixed point on the wall to look for while spinning. Supposedly, it keeps you from getting dizzy and reminds you where you are in space. This, too, is how therapy feels, or how it feels for me now that, for the past eight months, I've been seeing a therapist who is filled with goodness and light. But lately, I have been wondering whether an attachment to a therapist is more malign than I'd previously thought, whether it's based on narcissism, where the boundary between healthy and unhealthy narcissism lies. As a client, you can't *do* anything for a therapist (besides paying your bill); you can't offer favors or support, and what does it mean to attach to someone who only gives?


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