Friday, March 17, 2006

Blood for Oil: Year 3 Ends

On the third anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, the Bush Administration seems to be looking for a change of topic. Pew Research Center polls report American citizens’ increasing disapproval of the Iraq War and Bush’s foreign policy; specifically, many Americans now feel that the Iraq War has made us less safe from terrorists ( With midterm elections coming and Democrats looking better in the polls than they have in years, Bush needs to divert attention from Iraq, so he's playing a new fear card: Iran.

In a public radio interview on March 17, Joseph Cirincione, senior associate and director for Non-Proliferation at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, remarked that Cheney, Rice and others in the Bush coterie have been amping up anti-Iranian rhetoric in recent weeks, causing Cirincione to change his previous belief that, "an impending attack on Iran was merely the fear of left-wing bloggers." He now believes a US attack on Iran is likely, though, as he points out, we haven’t got enough military personnel to wage another war. (To hear the full interview, go to

I teach in a town that’s bordered by an Army base and an Air Force base. Many of my students get deployed, or they lose their husbands, wives, fathers, mothers and friends to this war. Those who come back, or know troops who’ve come back, tell stories of sand fleas that bite to the bone, poor wages, poor conditions, insufficient armor. They deserve better than an unjustified and unjustifiable war. And the red herring specter of Iran will never change that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you think we should do about Iran? Lie down and take it? Thay call us the great Satin!

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Iranians call us the great Satin -- what's wrong with that? Satin is great. So soft and luxurious! Satin sheets are a great place to lie down, whether you're taking it or not, imho.

4:29 PM  
Blogger Left of Liberal said...

The misspelling of Satan aside, in that same NPR interview I referenced in my post, Cirincione remarked that the Iranian regime is the "mirror image" of Bush's, i.e., a politically unpopular administration within its own country that seeks to unify its populace through fearmongering and ad populum attacks on other cultures. So, their government calls us The Great Satan. Have you bothered noticing what our government calls them?

4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I see... "thay" meant Satan all along... now I get it. What a silly goose I was!

Reason with them all you want, sister. If/when this country devolves into a SouthDakotaHandmaidsTale Damnocracy, you'll be the one warming yourself around a 55 gallon drum of burning garbage in the Breeding Camp saying "I wrote about this on my blog" and I'll be the one walking into their headquarters with 15 pounds of plastic explosive strapped to my belly.

But I expect a bit of a swing to the left come next election, so I'm really hoping that future doesn't come to pass for either of us.

Good luck to you!

1:25 AM  

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